2 thoughts on “Contact Us

  • Hi [icn18.com],

    I was checking your website and find out you have a good design and it looks great, but it’s not ranking on Google and other major search engines.

    We can place your website on Google’s 1st page. Yahoo, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest etc.).

    Let me know if you are interested, then I can send our Packages and Pricelist.

    Thank you,
    Georgia – (Sr SEO consultant)

    Note: – If you’re not Interested in our Services, please send us “unsubscribe”

  • Hello team,


    I was surfing through your website and realized that despite having a great design; it was not ranking on any of the search engines (Google Yahoo and Bing) for most of the keywords relating to your business.

    We offer your website top 10 ranking/Best results SEO & SMO Services within very short span of time at very reasonable cost.

    Let me know if you are interested, I will send you our SEO Packages and price list.

    Mani J | Sr SEO consultant

    If you’re not Interested in our Services, please send us “unsubscribe”.


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